Research Director: Prof. Vincenzo Atella

The group of researchers involved in the Health Econometrics, Economics and Policy (HEEP) research activity includes Vincenzo Atella, Federico Belotti, Valentina Conti, Francesco D’Amico, Silvio Daidone, Joanna KopinskaAlessandro PalmaAndrea Piano Mortari, Noemi Pace, Matilde Giaccherini.


The goal of our research is to offer innovative and valuable theoretical and empirical evidence to policy makers in the health care sector. Thanks to the increasing availability of detailed micro-data, the HEEP group conducts analyses which entail the use of specific methodological and computational skills. We aim to shed lights on relevant aspects of the health care sectors, such as health care financing, regulation, incentives and delivery. .Our objective is the production of indicators to allow within-country and cross-country comparison of policies, treatments and outcomes that lead to better understand the consequences of the variation in strategies, which are designed to improve population health.


In the past years HEEP has been involved in several national and international projects including, among others, the analysis of productivity at international level (Global Health productivity Project - GHP), the role of technology in the health care system (TECH project), the forecasting of the Italian health care expenditure, the role of cost-containment measures on health outcomes, the development of efficiency measures and performance indices at hospital level.

The research group has received financing from several bodies, including the European Union, the European Science Foundation, the Ministry of Health, the Italian Regional Agency for Health Care Services, the National Institute of Health and many other private funding organizations and firms.


Collaboration on a wide range of projects have been started with the CHP-PCOR group at Stanford University, and with the CHE group at York University. Further research collaborations have been started with Prof. Partha Deb of City University of New York, Prof. Alberto Holly of the Health Institute of Economics and Management Studies of the University of Lausanne, Prof. Dana Goldman of the University of Southern California. We also collaborate with the Italian National Institute of Statistics (ISTAT – Health statistics department) and with the Bank of Italy (Research Department - Public finance).


The group together has collected a remarkable number of publications in top international journals in the fields of econometrics, statistics, economics and health economics with both applied and methodological contributions. Following is the list of main journals where articles have been published: Applied economics, Economic Policy, Economics and human biology, Empirical Economics, European Health Policy Journal, Giornale Italiano degli Economisti, Health Affairs, Health Economics, Health Policy, Information Economics and Policy, Italian Journal of Public Health, Journal of Econometrics, Journal of Economic Inequality, Journal of Health Economics, Journal of Policy Modeling, Journal of productivity analysis, Journal of Public Economics, Journal of Population Economics, Labour, Oxford Economic Papers, Regional Science and Urban Economics, Research in Economics, Stata Journal, Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, Rivista di Politica Economica, The Lancet and World Bank Review.